The average house price on CHURCH AVENUE is £222,122
The most expensive house in the street is 10 CHURCH AVENUE with an estimated value of £347,732
The cheapest house in the street is 6 CHURCH AVENUE with an estimated value of £146,981
The house which was most recently sold was 8 CHURCH AVENUE, this sold on 6 Oct 2020 for £168,000
The postcode for CHURCH AVENUE is HD7 5RH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 CHURCH AVENUE Terraced £161,336 £124,995 23 Jun 2017
3 BUNGALOW CHURCH AVENUE Semi-Detached £220,922 £177,500 14 Jun 2019
4 CHURCH AVENUE Terraced £210,955 £40,000 26 Mar 1997
6 CHURCH AVENUE Semi-Detached £146,981 £44,000 3 Aug 2001
8 CHURCH AVENUE Terraced £198,537 £168,000 6 Oct 2020
10 CHURCH AVENUE Detached £347,732 £210,000 4 Jul 2008
22 CHURCH AVENUE Detached £268,396 £220,000 3 Jun 2020